Translation for "canary-yellow" to spanish
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Translation examples
The waistcoat was of canary-yellow suede, with turquoise buttons.
El chaleco era de ante amarillo canario, con botones turquesa.
They were canary yellow, and they were really, really short.
Eran de color amarillo canario y muy muy cortos.
His canary yellow jacket brought style to the scene;
Su chaqueta amarillo canario aportaba estilo a la escena;
The Bug had come off the assembly line a canary yellow.
Escarabajo había salido de la cadena de montaje de color amarillo canario.
Gleeson brushed crumbs off his canary yellow lapel.
Gleeson se sacudió las migas de su solapa de color amarillo canario.
‘I’ve never seen uniforms like these with canary-yellow lapels.’
Jamás había visto unos uniformes con los galones de color amarillo canario.
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