Translation for "buying something" to spanish
Translation examples
I think he was buying something.
Creo que estaba comprando algo.
-Or are you just buying something?
¿O solo estás comprando algo?
Just there outside, I'll just be buying something.
Sólo afuera, Estaré comprando algo.
You buying something expensive?
¿Estás comprando algo caro?
Oh, just buying something for my grandma.
Sólo comprando algo para mi abuela.
Is he buying something, selling...
El esta comprando algo, vendiendo...
I was buying something by the road, Uncle.
estaba comprando algo por el camino, tío.
Someone buying something here, ladies?
- ¿Alguna está comprando algo aquí, señoras?
She's probably out buying something.
Probablemente esté fuera comprando algo.
It's like you're buying something for me.'
Es como si me estuviera comprando algo.
Rydal had got out before him and Colette, and was buying something from one of the peddlers.
Rydal había bajado antes que él y que Colette y estaba comprando algo a uno de los vendedores ambulantes.
His shutter was up, and I could see someone very large and rich-looking inside buying something.
La persiana de la tienda estaba subida y vi que había un hombre muy grande y con aspecto de ricachón comprando algo.
They make their money as they can and they keep on buying something for which there is no present sale and they do so persistently until they create its public.
Ganan dinero como pueden y siguen comprando algo que de momento no tiene mercado y perseveran con tesón hasta que al fin crean un público.
Nobody came down this part of the street unless sending something to a grave of secrets or buying something that could only be bought in the Malangika.
Nadie iba a aquella parte de la calle a menos que estuvieras mandando algo a una tumba de secretos o que estuvieras comprando algo que solo se podía comprar en el Malangika.
A Negro’s dollar was as good as a white man’s as far as he was concerned; but, as a matter of principle, he kept Negroes out of his store as much as possible when they were not actually buying something they could pay for, since most white people in Estherville shunned stores where it was known that Negroes were permitted to congregate and more than one merchant had been known to go bankrupt for not being more particular about such things.
En su opinión, los dólares de los negros valían lo mismo que los de los blancos, pero, por principio, mantenía a la gente de color fuera de su local en la medida de lo posible cuando no estaban comprando algo que pudieran pagar, ya que la mayoría de los blancos de Estherville evitaban las tiendas en las que se permitía congregarse a los negros, y más de un comerciante había acabado en la ruina por no prestar más atención a esas cosas.
You gotta buy something.
Debes comprar algo.
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