Translation for "broad-chested" to spanish
Translation examples
You're tall like a palm tree, broad chest like Papikonda, courage of Telengana, Konaseema cuts and Rayalaseema guts.
Eres alto como una palmera, de pecho ancho, como Papikonda, .. coraje de Telengana, y corte de Konaseema y Rayalaseema.
Stand ng tal , w th a broad chest,
Párese tal ng, w ª un pecho ancho,
She was a broad-chested bird, not as tall as an eagle.
Es un ave de pecho ancho, no tan alta como un águila.
He was tall and broad-chested, with the unmistakable features of a Greek.
Era alto, tenía el pecho ancho y las inconfundibles facciones de un griego.
They were not tall, but were quite muscular and broad-chested.
Los dos hombres no eran altos, aunque sí fornidos y de pecho ancho.
Deep, broad chests, light necks, and their hocks perfectly straight!
—dijo—. ¡Tienen el pecho ancho, el cuello ligero y unos corvejones completamente rectos!
The man was tall, maybe six-two, and broad-chested, like a boxer.
Era alto. Quizás un metro ochenta y cinco de estatura y el pecho ancho, como el de un boxeador.
He stood a few inches taller, and his already broad chest swelled with self-importance.
Era unos centímetros más alto que ella y su pecho, ancho de por sí, se hinchó aún más de vanidad.
Caenis stared at him. He had a broad chest, heavy shoulders, a strong neck.
Caenis le miró. Tenía el pecho ancho, los hombros abultados y el cuello fuerte.
   He tapped his broad chest and his forehead with his stubby hand. "Here and here.
—Se golpeó con su mano grandota el pecho ancho y la frente—: Aquí y aquí.
The person who’d jabbed Thomas was a tall, broad-chested man with long, greasy hair.
La persona que lo había tocado era un hombre alto, de pecho ancho, con cabello largo y grasiento.
The most distinctive feature of his body was the broad chest, covering lungs of exceptional capacity.
El rasgo más distintivo de su cuerpo era el pecho ancho, que encerraba pulmones de capacidad excepcional.
I was fighting the part of me that wanted badly to step toward my father and put my head on his broad chest.
Estaba luchando contra la parte de mí que anhelaba acercarse a mi padre y apoyar la cabeza sobre su amplio torso.
As they began to move, Mira stared at the center of his broad chest, concentrating on the crisp whiteness of his shirt.
Cuando comenzaron a moverse. Mira clavó los ojos en el amplio torso, concentrándose en la blancura inmaculada de la camisa.
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