Translation for "brick by brick" to spanish
Translation examples
They are annoyed that with each tourist and businessman who enters the island, the wall of lies they built around our country over the years is being taken down brick by brick.
Les irrita que con cada turista y empresario que entre a la isla se vaya desplomando, ladrillo a ladrillo, el muro de mentiras que han levantado durante años en torno a nuestra patria.
Tito built that peaceful country step by step and brick by brick and then we arrived and broke it apart for imperialistic, personal interests. How can we be complacent about that?
Tito construyó ese país pacífico paso a paso y ladrillo por ladrillo y luego llegamos y lo destrozamos por intereses personales imperialistas. ¿Cómo podemos mostrarnos complacientes al respecto? ¿Por qué no podemos estar satisfechos?
All the efforts of the international community will be in vain if there is no political will on the part of the leaders of the Entities deeply to bury the axes of war, and to build, brick by brick, a solid bridge of peace.
Todos los esfuerzos de la comunidad internacional serán en vano si los dirigentes de las Entidades carecen de la voluntad política necesaria para enterrar profundamente las hachas de la guerra y construir, ladrillo por ladrillo, un sólido puente de paz.
My aim has always been to point the way to our purpose, and to suggest a "step-by-step, brick-by-brick" approach to that end.
Mi objetivo ha consistido invariablemente en indicar el camino hacia nuestro propósito, y proponer un enfoque gradual, ladrillo por ladrillo, hacia ese fin.
World order is built painfully, gradually, brick by brick.
El orden mundial se construye penosamente, en forma gradual, ladrillo por ladrillo.
The terrorists may blow up our girls' schools but we will rebuild them, brick by brick, inch by inch.
Los terroristas pueden volar nuestras escuelas de niñas, pero las reconstruiremos, ladrillo a ladrillo, pulgada a pulgada.
Instead, we generally ask them to disarm, brick by brick.
En lugar de ello, por lo general les pedimos que se desarmen, ladrillo por ladrillo.
While these holy sites await reconstruction, they are quietly being taken apart, brick by brick, and any trace of their existence is being destroyed.
Mientras que estos sitios sagrados aguardan su reconstrucción, calladamente van siendo destruidos, ladrillo por ladrillo, y se destruye cualquier vestigio de su existencia.
It will be constructed steadily, brick by brick, learning always the right lessons from the past, developing steadily our international institutions and our international relations.
Deberá construirse progresivamente, ladrillo por ladrillo, aprendiendo siempre las lecciones adecuadas del pasado y desarrollando constantemente nuestras instituciones y relaciones internacionales.
Gulp by gulp, brick by brick.
Trago por trago, ladrillo por ladrillo.
Take everything apart, brick by brick.
Destrózalo todo, ladrillo por ladrillo.
We have to do this brick by brick.
Tenemos que hacer esto ladrillo por ladrillo.
Sealed off, brick by brick.
Cerrada, ladrillo por ladrillo.
Build it, brick by brick.
Constrúyela, ladrillo por ladrillo.
Brick by brick, if need be.
Ladrillo por ladrillo, si es necesario.
Brick by brick. Dollar by dollar.
Ladrillo por ladrillo, dólar por dólar.
Brick by brick, day after day
Ladrillo por ladrillo, día tras día...
Brick by brick, I seal his doom.
Ladrillo por ladrillo, lo condenaré.
- ... I'll give it to you brick by brick.
- Te la daré ladrillo por ladrillo.
Brick by brick, I will destroy you.
Ladrillo a ladrillo, voy a destruirte.
“Ought to bring it down brick by brick,”
«Habrá que sacar ladrillo a ladrillo», añadió otro.
My guess is it will be taken apart, brick by brick.
Yo apuesto a que acabará desmantelada, ladrillo a ladrillo.
Tim’s apart brick by brick. Maybe help them.
Tim’s ladrillo a ladrillo. Puede que los ayude.
Pull the place down brick by brick?
– dijo ante aquel caos-. ¿Desmontar la casa ladrillo a ladrillo?
You work from the ground up, brick by brick.
Se trabaja a partir del suelo y se sube ladrillo a ladrillo.
And tear 'em down brick by brick.
Y acabar con ella ladrillo a ladrillo.
# Stone by stone, yeah # Brick by brick
Piedra a piedra, sí Ladrillo a ladrillo
Fortunato has walled him in brick by brick.
Fortunato, lo ha emparedado ladrillo a ladrillo.
We'd build a tower of love, brick by brick.
Construiríamos una torre de amor, ladrillo a ladrillo.
We rebuild, brick by brick.
Reconstruimos, ladrillo a ladrillo.
He built it brick by brick.
Él lo construyó ladrillo a ladrillo.
Brick by brick I've constructed this house...
Ladrillo a ladrillo he construido esta casa.
I'm taking it all down, brick by brick.
Lo estoy desmontando todo, ladrillo a ladrillo.
“Ought to bring it down brick by brick,”
«Habrá que sacar ladrillo a ladrillo», añadió otro.
My guess is it will be taken apart, brick by brick.
Yo apuesto a que acabará desmantelada, ladrillo a ladrillo.
Tim’s apart brick by brick. Maybe help them.
Tim’s ladrillo a ladrillo. Puede que los ayude.
Pull the place down brick by brick?
– dijo ante aquel caos-. ¿Desmontar la casa ladrillo a ladrillo?
You work from the ground up, brick by brick.
Se trabaja a partir del suelo y se sube ladrillo a ladrillo.
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