Translation for "boyishly" to spanish
Translation examples
Fitzpatrick smiled awkwardly, boyishly.
Fitzpatrick sonrió desmañada, infantilmente.
He pushed his hair back boyishly, but he was a man, not a boy.
Se echaba infantilmente el pelo hacia atrás, aunque era un hombre y no un niño.
One of the officers laughed boyishly, turned away and walked slowly back across the parade ground.
Uno de ellos rió infantilmente, volvió sobre sus pasos y se alejó por el camino.
There was something of the Negro in it, and something of the American, who with all his strength seems so boyishly fresh and childlike to us Europeans.
Tenía algo de los negros y algo del americano, que a nosotros los europeos, dentro de toda su pujanza, se nos antoja tan infantilmente nuevo y tan aniñado.
He made himself smile boyishly over Dominic’s bent head at Greening, who was watching him stonily. Dominic stepped away. “Okay,”
Haciendo un esfuerzo, sonrió infantilmente a Greening por encima de la cabeza de Dominic. Greening esperó, impertérrito. Dominic se retiró. —Ya está —dijo.
SS-Obersturmbannfuhrer Eichmann is on the whole boyishly meticulous with his choo-choos and his chuff-chuffs; it does sometimes eventuate, however, that transports (every Kommandant’s nightmare) overlap.
El SS-Obersturmbannführer Eichmann es, por lo general, infantilmente meticuloso con sus chucu chucu y sus chuf chuf, pero de cuando en cuando acontece (es la pesadilla de todo Kommandant) que las «remesas» se solapan.
“Not intruding, I hope.” Wolfert Van Horn was all friendliness this morning, eager-beaverish, with a vast dental smile and his hands plunged in his pockets boyishly. “No, indeed.
—Supongo que no le molesto —añadió Wolfert van Horn, con tono sumamente amistoso, enseñando ampliamente la dentadura, y con las manos hundidas infantilmente en los bolsillos. —Oh, no.
Harry had taken up cheroots, which Joseph found annoying, and he had become strong and stocky with a man's muscular and active body, though his dark face was still boyishly impish and his black eyes still glittered with mischief and good nature.
Harry se había aficionado a los cigarros filipinos, costumbre que Joseph encontraba fastidiosa, y se había vuelto fuerte y macizo con un cuerpo musculoso de hombre, aunque su rostro moreno seguía siendo infantilmente travieso y sus negros ojos todavía relucían con picardía y buen humor.
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