Translation for "bought before" to spanish
Bought before
Translation examples
" Ah,so the stocks in your vic's account were bought before traeger recommended them?
¿Entonces las acciones en la cuenta de tu victima fueron compradas antes de que Traeger las recomendara?
It's just that I've never been bought before.
Es sólo que nunca he sido comprado antes.
Those cartridges must have been bought before the 1988 Act...
Esos cartuchos deben haber sido comprados antes de la ley de 1988.
Thinking of the flat made me remember the chairs I had bought before I had gone to Ibiza.
Pensar en el piso me recordó las sillas que había comprado antes del viaje a Ibiza.
Nora thought of the hot tea that awaited her above and looked for her backpack, thinking of the bottle of French rum she had bought before leaving.
Nora pensó en el té caliente que la esperaba y buscó mentalmente en su mochila la botella de ron francés que había comprado antes de salir.
Hitherto, it had been held a point of honour by the families in Grimworth parish, to buy their sugar and their flannel at the shop where their fathers and mothers had bought before them;
Hasta la fecha, las familias de la parroquia de Grimworth habían considerado una cuestión de honor comprar el azúcar y la franela en las mismas tiendas en que sus padres y madres lo habían comprado antes que ellos;
'J' for Josefina, and he looked at the silver ring, engraved with an eagle, that she had bought before Talavera, before Hardy, and with a superstition he did not understand he touched the locket on to the ring.
J de Josefina, y se miró el anillo de plata, con un águila grabada que ella le había comprado antes de Talavera, antes de Hardy, y con una superstición que no entendía tocó el medallón con el anillo.
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