Translation for "book for you" to spanish
Translation examples
I will get that book for you, sire.
Conseguiré ese libro para usted, señor.
Would you like me to reserve the book for you?
¿Le gustaría que reserve el libro para usted?
I do the books for you guys.
Hago los libros para ustedes.
We've got some books for you.
Tenemos algún libro para usted.
Pari has sent this book for you.
Pari ha enviado este libro para usted.
I have a book for you.
- Tengo un libro para usted.
I brought some more books for you.
Me trajo algunos más libros para usted.
I never should have downloaded that book for you.
Nunca debí haber descargado ese libro para usted.
Yes, exactly, I got lots of books for you.
Sí, exacto, tengo un lote de libros para usted.
Yes, I'll get some books for you.
—Sí, buscaré algunos libros para usted.
“What kind of books do you publish?”
—¿Qué clase de libros publican ustedes?
I'm trying to write a book about you."
Intento escribir un libro sobre ustedes.
It's a book about you, don Juan,
– Es un libro sobre usted, don Juan -dije.
"I've got some more books for you, Mr. Abbey.
—Tengo más libros para usted, señor Abbey.
I want to recommend a book to you and your sister.
Voy a recomendarles un libro a usted y a su hermana.
I will write a book about you, making you the hero!
Escribiré un libro sobre usted, convirtiéndolo en héroe.
“What kind of books do you want?” she said.
—¿Qué clase de libros desean ustedes? —preguntó—.
"What kind of books did you read?" Berger continues.
–¿Qué clase de libros lee usted? – Continúa Berger.
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