Translation for "bomb-shaped" to spanish
Translation examples
He had jammed the bomb-shaped sub almost straight down.
Había bajado con el submarino con forma de bomba casi verticalmente.
They were wee hard bomb-shaped things wi a waxy coat oan them.
Eran cosillas duras y con forma de bomba con un acabado ceroso.
The ‘C Type’ container was a bomb-shaped cylinder 68 inches long by 15 wide, and hinged down its length to aid opening.
El contenedor «Tipo C» era un cilindro con forma de bomba de 1.72 metros de largo por 38 centímetros de ancho y abisagrado a lo largo para ayudar a abrirlo.
Twice cited for diverting the home’s amperage, the old woman had found a generator someplace that would run if noisily on kerosene and bounced and shook beside the bomb-shaped propane tank outside the kitchen.
Citada dos veces por desviar el amperaje de la casa, la vieja había encontrado en alguna parte un generador que funcionaba con queroseno pese a hacer un montón de ruido y daba brincos y se zarandeaba junto al tanque de propano en forma de bomba que había justo fuera de la cocina.
Two stubby, bomb-shaped capsules, enclosed in ablative heat-shields, were gently nudged into orbits which for the first few thousand miles deviated scarcely at all from that of Discovery.
Due tozze capsule a forma di bomba, racchiuse in scudi di calore destinati a essere consumati dall’attrito, vennero dolcemente spinte in orbite che, per le prime migliaia di chilometri, si discostavano appena da quella della Discovery.
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