Translation for "biblically" to spanish
Translation examples
Okay, who are you Biblically?
- Sí señor. Ok, ¿quién eres, bíblicamente?
I'm talking biblical negative.
Te hablo bíblicamente.
I mean, not biblically, at least.
Es decir, al menos, no bíblicamente.
They just got biblically worse.
Acaban de volverse bíblicamente peores.
The word "biblically" comes to mind.
La palabra "bíblicamente" viene a mi cabeza.
Not biblically, obviously.
No biblicamente, obvio.
We know each other, biblically.
Nos conocemos, bíblicamente.
And I don't mean biblically.
Y no me refiero a bíblicamente.
So, Don admires Wendy, biblically,
Entonces, Don admira a Wendy, bíblicamente,
ROBERTS: Biblically speaking, the demonic comes from the fallen angels.
Bíblicamente hablando, los demonios vienen de los ángeles caídos.
"Are you hinting at the biblical kind?" "Maybe."
–¿Te refieres a que nos conocemos bíblicamente? –Puede.
“Are we talking biblically?” Havers asked.
—¿Bíblicamente, quiere decir? —preguntó Havers.
Not biblically. But he did hang around the Back Door.
No bíblicamente. Pero merodeaba por La Puerta Trasera.
“Never,” she said, firmly. “Neither symbolically nor biblically.”
—Nunca —respondió ella con firmeza—. Ni simbólica ni bíblicamente.
“We have no Hebrew,” admits biblically faithful America.
“El hebreo no se nos da”, admite la estadounidense bíblicamente fiel.
To wait, biblically speaking, is not to assume the worst, worry, fret, make demands, or take control.
Esperar, bíblicamente hablando, es no suponer lo peor, no preocuparse, no enojarse, no exigir ni querer asumir el control.
That it included lying, adultery, and certain acts that were biblically forbidden only made it all the more titillating.
El hecho de que eso incluyera la mentira, el adulterio y ciertos actos bíblicamente prohibidos lo hacía todo más emocionante.
One night the two went missing, and, I suspect, did the biblical deed. I've never inquired.
Una noche desaparecieron los dos y sospecho que hicieron aquello de conocerse bíblicamente. Nunca pregunté.
“This is the most biblically informed and intellectually careful (read the footnotes!) ‘social justice’ book I know of.
“Este es el libro sobre ‘justicia social’ mejor fundamentado bíblicamente y más cuidadoso intelectualmente (¡leed las notas!) que conozco.
He did not know anyone by that name, but she was certain she knew him, not just socially, but carnally, pornographically, biblically.
Él no conocía a nadie con ese nombre, pero ella estaba segura de conocerlo a él, no solo socialmente, sino carnal, pornográfica, bíblicamente.
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