Translation for "belly-laugh" to spanish
Translation examples
He let out a belly laugh.
—Soltó una carcajada—.
Emerus said with a belly laugh.
—dijo Emerus soltando una carcajada—.
Don Juan broke into a belly laugh.
Don Juan estalló en una carcajada.
Anthony Saxon responded with a belly laugh.
Anthony Saxon respondió con una carcajada.
JW let rip a belly laugh.
JW soltó una carcajada apagada.
I asked and he broke into a belly laugh.
-pregunté, y estalló en una carcajada.
The voice broke into a loud belly-laugh. It was my father.
La voz se transformó en una potente carcajada. Era mi padre.
Renner’s belly laugh cut through all conversation.
La carcajada de Renner cortó toda la conversación.
Cackles, chirps, and belly laughs erupted above the waves.
Cotorreos, gorjeos y carcajadas estallaban por encima del oleaje.
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