Translation for "belly-button" to spanish
Translation examples
Of your famous belly button,
de tu famoso ombligo,
But his belly button, that is another story.
Pero su ombligo, eso es otra cuestión.
Of course she had a belly button.
Por supuesto que tenía ombligo.
“Nothing’s breathing on my belly button!”
—¡Nada está echándome el aliento en el ombligo!
“Your belly button sticks out,”
-El ombligo te sobresale -comentó.
The hole was near his belly button.
El orificio estaba cerca del ombligo.
I looked at him down to his belly button.
Le vi hasta el ombligo.
Maybe a ruby in the belly button or something.
Quizá un rubí en el ombligo, o algo así.
No, no, remember the cord that goes to the belly button?
—No, no. ¿Te acuerdas del cordón que iba hasta el ombligo?
Cuzco, dubbed the Belly Button of the Universe;
Cuzco, llamado el Ombligo del Mundo;
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