Translation for "being far away from" to spanish
Being far away from
Translation examples
I said. As always, what I really longed to say was something like “My darling, I love you so much, and oh, how I’ve missed you. It was so painful being far away from you, and what bliss this is, to see you!”
En realidad, como siempre, me habría gustado decir «Querida, te quiero tanto, te he echado tanto de menos, ¡qué enorme dolor es estar lejos de ti y qué felicidad verte!».
And one way was being frightened of being far away from a place I was used to, and the other was being frightened of being near where Father lived, and they were in inverse proportion to one another, so that the total fear remained a constant as I got further away from home and further away from Father like this:
Por estar lejos de un sitio al que estaba acostumbrado, y por estar cerca de donde Padre vivía, y eran inversamente proporcionales el uno al otro, así que el total de miedo seguía siendo una constante a medida que me alejaba de casa y me alejaba de Padre, así
And one way was being frightened of being far away from a place I was used to, and the other was being frightened of being near where Father lived, and they were in inverse proportion to one another, so that the total fear remained a constant as I got further away from home and further away from Father like this Feartotal = Fearnew place X Fearnear Father = constant It takes 19 minutes for the bus to get to school from our house, but it took me 47 minutes to walk the same distance, so I was very tired when I got there and I hoped that I could stay at school for a little while and have some biscuits and some orange juice before I went to the train station.
Por estar lejos de un sitio al que estaba acostumbrado, y por estar cerca de donde Padre vivía, y eran inversamente proporcionales el uno al otro, así que el total de miedo seguía siendo una constante a medida que me alejaba de casa y me alejaba de Padre, así Miedo total ≈ Miedo a sitio nuevo x Miedo cerca de Padre ≈ constante El autobús tarda 19 minutos en llegar al colegio desde nuestra casa, pero yo tardé 47 minutos en recorrer la misma distancia caminando, así que estaba muy cansado cuando llegué y esperaba poder quedarme en el colegio un ratito y tomarme unas galletas y un poco de zumo de naranja antes de irme a la estación.
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