Translation for "being divine" to spanish
Translation examples
She's also the one they call Ramtha, a mystical male spirit, 35,000 years old, who claims to be divine.
Es también lo que ellos llaman Ramtha, un espíritu místico masculino, de 35.000 años de antigüedad, que dice ser divino.
Whatever was described in the Old Testament wasn't God, it was a misunderstood flesh-and- blood extraterrestrial whom our ancestors misinterpreted as being divine and supernatural.
Lo que haya sido descrito en el antiguo testamento, no era Dios. Fue un malentendido extraterrestre de carne y hueso, El cual nuestros ancestros, mal-interpretaron como ser divino y sobre-natural.
It's gonna be divine.
Va a ser divino.
Their pale faces, could they be divine?
Sus rostros pálidos, ¿podrían ser divinos?
Obviously, they will say, "wow, this creature must be divine.
Obviamente, dirían... "Esta criatura debe ser divina.
Ah, she... She... was to be divine.
Ah, ella... ella iba a ser divina.
Accept our thanks, O nameless Being divine .
«¡Acepta nuestra gratitud, inefable Ser divino…!».
Being divine, or even ex-divine, has its perks.
Ser divino, o incluso exdivino, tiene sus ventajas.
Nothing is to detract from my rise from gentry woman to Queen of England, from mortal to a being divine: next to God.
Nada debe delatar que he surgido de la nobleza rural para convertirme en la reina de Inglaterra, que he pasado de ser mortal a ser divina, lo más cercano a Dios.
An old house sings a melos that, without being divine, is not on the scale of those that have been raised and that have died in it and that one has known, and who have only added their songs to daybreak, or to evening.
La casa antigua canta un melos que, sin ser divino, rebasa la escala de quienes allí murieron y conocimos, que sólo agregaron sus cantos al amanecer o al ocaso.
To those who argue that Jesus may have been a great moral teacher without being divine (of whom the deist Thomas Jefferson inci- dentally claimed to be one), Lewis has this stinging riposte:
Para quienes sostienen que tal vez Jesús haya sido un gran maestro moral sin ser divino (como, por cierto, el deísta Thomas Jefferson reconocía ser), Lewis tiene esta picajosa respuesta:
""Being Divine."" Chapter three, June, 1965.
"Siendo Divine." Capitulo 3, Junio, 1965.
If that power was used for evil purposes, she said, it could not be the woman’s doing-after all, no woman could possibly betray a force what, being divine, was greater than her own will.
Según ella, cuando ese poder se utilizaba con fines perversos, era por una causa ajena a la mujer: al fin y al cabo ninguna mujer podría traicionar una fuerza que, siendo divina, era mayor que su propia voluntad.
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