Translation for "becomes of it" to spanish
Translation examples
Competition between sectors can be expected to become more intense.
Es de prever que la competencia entre los sectores se haga más intensa.
It was more than time for that obligation to become a reality.
Ha llegado el momento de que esa obligación se haga realidad.
In these cases third-party certification becomes important.
En estos casos es importante que la certificación la haga un tercer país.
The Chinese Government was ready to spare no efforts for that dream to become a reality.
Su Gobierno está dispuesto a no escatimar esfuerzos para que este sueño se haga realidad.
You will remember it when it becomes necessary.
Lo recordarás cuando se haga necesario:
The man who becomes his friend.
El hombre que se haga su amigo.
I hope it doesn’t become a habit.”
Espero que no se me haga un hábito.
“You beg me not to become a bandit?”
—¿Y usted me ruega que no me haga bandido?
Because I don't think I'll become a nun.
—Porque no creo que me haga monja.
Do not let my anger become your own.
No permitas que mi rabia se haga tuya.
Wait till the battle becomes more general.
Espera a que la batalla se haga más general.
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