Translation for "become famous" to spanish
Become famous
Translation examples
It had never crossed my mind that our... ..coat-hanger, could have become famous.
No me había pasado por la cabeza que nuestro perchero pudiera hacerse famoso.
He found a way to become famous vety quickly.
Encontró la manera de hacerse famoso rápidamente.
Doesn't take long for the police to become famous around here.
Por lo que parece a la policía no le cuesta mucho hacerse famoso por aquí.
Everything's so well-guarded now it's hard to become famous.
Todo está tan bien custodiado ahora que es difícil hacerse famoso.
You know, they come people will do anything to become famous
Ya sabes, vendrán personas que harán lo que sea para hacerse famosas
It was exciting for us to see a band like Sabbath get established and become famous.
Era emocionante para nosotros ver a un grupo como Sabbath establecerse y hacerse famosos.
They said they were going to the city to become famous lion-tamers.
Dijeron que iban a la ciudad a hacerse famosos como domadores de leones.
When the opportunity presented itself to become famous overnight, he grabbed it.
En cuanto le surgió la posibilidad de hacerse famoso de la noche a la mañana, la aprovechó.
He was about to become famous, he mused.
Pensó que estaba a punto de hacerse famoso.
Didn't they have all the classic elements to become famous?
¿No tenían todos los elementos clásicos para hacerse famosos?
She will put aside this fancy of becoming famous by denying the church.
Renunciará a ese capricho suyo de hacerse famosa oponiéndose a la iglesia.
Just when he was becoming famous, he embraced the Zionist cause.
justo cuando empezaba a hacerse famoso, abrazó la causa sionista.
He was self-educated but brilliant, and everyone thought that of them all, Charlie was the one who would probably become famous.
Era autodidacta pero brillante, y todos pensaban que, del grupo, Charlie era el que tenía más probabilidades de hacerse famoso.
When Marilyn started becoming famous, he changed his name from Willard Self to Will Rambo.
Cuando Marilyn empezó a hacerse famosa, él se cambió el nombre de Willard Self a Will Rambo.
Coleman Street also contained the Star Tavern, which was to become famous as a haunt of Parliamentarian conspirators.
En Coleman Street también estaba la taberna Star, local que iba a hacerse famoso como guarida de conspiradores parlamentaristas.
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