Translation for "beautiful animal" to spanish
Beautiful animal
Translation examples
Look at all these beautiful animals!
¡Mira todos estos hermosos animales!
-Beautiful animals you have there!
¡Qué hermosos animales tiene!
A... beautiful animal, granted, but not a spirit.
Un... hermoso animal, lo reconozco, pero no es un espíritu.
I was in awe of this beautiful animal.
Era un espectáculo maravilloso ver a este hermoso animal.
You're a beautiful animal of war--
Eres un hermoso animal de guerra...
OK, next up we have beautiful animal.
Bien. Ahora tenemos un hermoso animal.
beautiful animals, they come from our own farm.
hermosos animales, que proceden de nuestra propia granja.
He was a beautiful animal at the peak of his rude animal health.
Hoyt era un hermoso animal en la cima de su obscena salud animal.
The beautiful animals painted on the bowls that lined the wall seemed to spring to life, especially the black wings of Hummingbird.
Los hermosos animales pintados en los cuencos, junto a la pared, parecían cobrar vida, sobre todo las alas negras del Colibrí—.
That should please my horse.' 'She's a beautiful animal.' He looked at Vespa with a farm boy's admiration. 'So,' I said, 'you come from Ameria?'
Mi yegua se alegrará. —Hermoso animal. —Miró a Avispa con la admiración de un campesino. —¿Eres de Ameria?
On looking at him more attentively, she began to see that he was a beautiful animal, and even fancied a particularly amiable expression in his face.
Al mirarlo con mayor detenimiento, empezó a darse cuenta de que era un hermoso animal, y creyó adivinar una expresión amable en su mirada.
Even the merchant who sold me this beautiful animal knew that and for that reason sold it to me cheaply, so that it would bring us luck at sea.
Incluso el mercader que me vendió este hermoso animal lo sabía y por esta razón me lo dio muy barato, para que nos trajese buena suerte en el mar.
But the Bushmen apply a prodigiously powerful poison to the point of the arrow so that these beautiful animals, the elands, die in pain over a day and a half.
Pero los bosquimanos aplican un veneno prodigiosamente poderoso en la punta de la flecha de modo que estos hermosos animales, los antílopes, mueren con grandes dolores en un día y medio.
If you take away anything from this novel, I hope it is an awareness of the cognitive and emotional intelligence of these beautiful animals—and the understanding that it is up to all of us to protect them.
Si te quedas con algo de esta novela, confío en que sea el hecho de que estos hermosos animales poseen una inteligencia cognitiva y emocional, y que todos tenemos el deber de protegerlos.
He might feel close to God, he could certainly feel close to beautiful animals, but now there were always ministers around, eager to see him, looking to use him.
Aunque se sintiera cercano a Dios, aunque se sintiera próximo a los hermosos animales, ahora había a su alrededor ministros ansiosos de verle, ávidos de utilizarle.
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