Translation for "be laws" to spanish
Translation examples
11. Under Liberian law, the act will become law once it has been signed by the President and published in a handbill.
En virtud del ordenamiento jurídico liberiano, el proyecto de ley pasará a ser Ley una vez haya sido firmado por la Presidenta y publicado en folleto.
The Act becomes law when the Governor General assents to it in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, and causes it to be published in the Official Gazette as law.
El Decreto pasa a ser Ley cuando el Gobernador General lo acepta de conformidad con las disposiciones de la Constitución, y lo hace publicar en la Gaceta Oficial con calidad de ley.
- then it's not fit to be law.
- entonces no alcanza para ser ley.
Any laws I've broken don't deserve to be laws.
Las leyes que he infringido no merecen ser leyes.
He think bout it for a wile, an say, "Well, I'll tell you, Forrest, all of these laws are not specially pleasing to us. But they is laws nonetheless.
Tras reflexionar unos minutos, Dan contestó: —A veces esas leyes son crueles, Forrest, pero no dejan de ser leyes.
There used to be laws stopping this kind of thing from happening.
Solía haber leyes para impedir que estas cosas sucedieran.
There's bound to be laws against beating young girls with garden hoses.
Deben haber leyes que prohíben pegarle a las niñas con mangueras.
Basically there should be laws against it
Básicamente debería de haber leyes en contra de ello
There ought to be laws
Debería haber leyes
There should be laws against people like her.
Debería haber leyes contra personas como ella.
“No! There have to be laws!”
—¡No! ¡Tiene que haber leyes!
There’ll be laws about that.
Tiene que haber leyes sobre eso.
“Why would there be laws against theft?”
—¿Por qué iba a haber leyes contra el robo?
And there is peace, because the Twelve Families of Darien said there had to be laws across the land.
Y reina la paz, porque las Doce Familias de Darien dijeron que tenía que haber leyes en todo el país.
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