Translation for "barrel-organs" to spanish
Translation examples
He was listening because the barrel organ was playing, the barrel organ was playing because he was listening.
Su oído atendía porque el organillo sonaba, el organillo sonaba porque su oído atendía.
A barrel organ was playing up the street.
En la calle sonaba un organillo.
and far away a barrel organ was playing.
y a lo lejos tocaba un organillo.
a barrel organ worthy of an unbridled chemistry;
un organillo a la medida de una química desmesurada;
The dog snored; the barrel organ played.
El perro roncaba; el organillo seguía tocando.
My sides are bursting with a million barrel-organ tunes.
Mis costados estallan como millones de melodías de organillo.
They followed the barrel organ to a bar called La Ilicitana.
Siguieron al organillo hasta un bar llamado La Ilicitana.
Really it was only a barrel organ or some man crying in the street.
En rea­lidad, no era más que un organillo o un hombre gritando en la calle.
—What the . . . well I’ll . . . that barrel organ, they been following us.
«Qué demo… bueno, que me… ese organillo, nos han venido siguiendo».
The filthy old man with the barrel organ pointed towards the dog.
El viejo mugriento del organillo señalaba al chucho.
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