Translation for "attached to you" to spanish
Translation examples
My mother is very attached to you.
Mi madre está muy unida a ti.
There is a spirit attached to you and...
Hay un espíritu unido a ti y...
A ghost will be attached to you.
Un fantasma estará unido a ti.
Because you have a ghost attached to you.
Porque tienes un fantasma unido a ti.
"My emotions are attached to you."
"Mis emociones están unidas a ti."
But for some reason, he seems quite attached to you.
Pero por alguna razón, parece estar bastante unido a ti.
Plus, my vagina's become really attached to you.
Además, mi vagina se ha vuelto muy unida a ti
She had no time to become attached to you.
No tuvo tiempo de estar unida a ti.
Never count on anything that’s not attached to you.
Nunca confíes en nada que no esté unido a ti.
‘He seems very attached to you,’ the king said.
—Parece muy unido a ti —dijo el rey.
I was plumbed in. I’d half expected it would be radio mikes (always attached to you with a warning not to visit the loo with them switched on, in case you want to cause the sound engineers, ooh, seconds of hilarity), but they were using hard wire instead.
Me conectaron. Más o menos esperaba utilizar micros de corbata (unidos a ti con la advertencia de no visitar el lavabo con los micrófonos encendidos si no querías provocar en los técnicos de sonido unos segundos de hilaridad), pero usaríamos un sistema tradicional de cable.
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