Translation for "asperity" to spanish
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Translation examples
Sukie asked with asperity.
—preguntó Sukie, con aspereza—.
“No.” Amatis spoke with asperity.
—No. —Amatis habló con aspereza—.
snapped Gobred with asperity.
– exclamó Gobred con cierta aspereza.
Webster said with some asperity.
-inquirió Webster con algo de aspereza.
The formidable woman said with asperity:
La monja contestó con aspereza:
Tierce said with some asperity.
dijo Tierce con un poco de aspereza.
‘Yes,’ Mama replied with asperity.
—Sí —le contestó su madre con aspereza—.
“Hell no,” he said with asperity.
—¡No, maldita sea! —replicó él con aspereza—.
asked Holmes with some asperity.
-le interrumpió Holmes con alguna aspereza.
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