Translation for "as perceives" to spanish
Translation examples
It was also invisible, possibly because it was perceived as less serious.
También es invisible, posiblemente porque se percibe como menos grave.
The way technology is perceived has also evolved.
También ha evolucionado la manera como se percibe la tecnología.
Such practices are not perceived in society as violence.
Son prácticas que la sociedad no percibe como violencia.
A mission that is perceived as strong from the beginning of its deployment is far less likely to be tested than one which is perceived as initially vulnerable or ineffective.
Una misión que se percibe como sólida desde el comienzo de su despliegue tiene muchas menos probabilidades de ser puesta a prueba que una que se percibe inicialmente como vulnerable o ineficaz.
The phenomenon is perceived through the act of procuring, which constitutes an offence.
Este fenómeno se percibe a través del proxenetismo, que es un delito.
OHRM is not perceived as being highly client-focused
Se percibe a la Oficina de Gestión de Recursos Humanos como que no tiene
The deserters are also perceived by the Government as a fifth column.
Por otra parte, el Gobierno percibe a los desertores como una quinta columna.
E. OHRM is not perceived as being highly client-focused
E. Se percibe a la Oficina de Gestión de Recursos Humanos
But such mediation will not succeed if it is, or is perceived to be, one-sided.
Pero esa mediación no tendrá éxito si es parcial o si se percibe como tal.
When the process was not well understood, it was perceived as illegitimate.
Cuando no se comprende bien el proceso, este se percibe como ilegítimo.
They will be perceived by their effects.
Se los percibe por sus efectos.
You perceive it as light.
Tú los percibes como luz.
You do perceive the difference?
—¿Percibe la diferencia?
“And how do they perceive us?”
—Y ¿cómo nos percibe?
“I perceive it, but that’s not the same thing.
—Lo percibo, pero no es lo mismo.
As I perceive it in your words.
Tal como la percibo en tus palabras.
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