Translation for "as irrelevant" to spanish
Translation examples
She said the anti-polygamy law has become as irrelevant as the spitting ordinance.
En fin, dijo que la ley contra la poligamia se volvió tan irrelevante como la que prohíbe escupir en la acera.
Lord knows they deserve to be beat on every once in a while, but then we're just as irrelevant to these kids as the schools are.
Dios sabe que necesitan ser golpeadas cada tanto pero somos tan irrelevantes para ellos como lo son las escuelas.
When the queen is with child, the Lady Elizabeth will be as irrelevant as it is now inconvenient.
Cuando la reina esté embarazada, lady Elizabeth será tan irrelevante como inconveniente es ahora.
Nations' wars, they're about as irrelevant as a sports page.
Las guerras entre naciones son tan irrelevantes como una página deportiva.
"That accusation is as irrelevant as it is true," Thomas said indignantly.
―Esa acusación es tan irrelevante como cierta ―dijo Thomas, indignado―.
To me they seem to have become as irrelevant as a Biedermeier bathing suit or the imperturbability of a gentleman.
Al parecer se han vuelto para mí tan irrelevantes como un traje de baño Biedermeier o la imperturbabilidad de un caballero.
Indeed, the motive is irrelevant.
De hecho, el motivo es irrelevante.
It becomes irrelevant.
Se vuelve irrelevante.
Those are irrelevant considerations.
Son consideraciones irrelevantes.
Irrelevant information would be unwelcome.
Toda información irrelevante no será aceptada.
This is irrelevant and incorrect.
Eso es irrelevante e incorrecto.
The duration of residence is irrelevant.
La duración de la residencia es irrelevante.
The Tribunal is perceived as remote and irrelevant.
Se considera que el Tribunal es algo remoto e irrelevante.
His or her nationality is irrelevant;
Su nacionalidad es irrelevante;
That is not irrelevant and warrants two comments.
Eso no es irrelevante y merece dos observaciones.
3. Taking into account irrelevant considerations
3. Cuestiones irrelevantes
But the judge will see your job as irrelevant to the crime.
Pero el juez va a considerar tu trabajo como irrelevante para el crimen.
Or worse, as irrelevant?
¿O peor, como irrelevante?
We ask that her testimony be stricken from the record as irrelevant.
Pedimos que su testimonio sea marcado en el registro como irrelevante.
But it was irrelevant.
Pero eso era irrelevante.
Irrelevant, yes, safely irrelevant—unable to intervene!
Irrelevante, sí, irrelevante e inerme… ¡incapaz de intervenir!
But it was all irrelevant.
Pero todo era irrelevante.
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