Translation for "as indifferent" to spanish
As indifferent
Translation examples
I didn't mean to come across as indifferent.
Yo... no quería resultar tan indiferente.
Are you as indifferent to the man's fate as others are?
¿Es usted tan indiferente al destino de ese hombre como los demás?
Not everybody can afford to be as indifferent toward making money as you are.
No todo el mundo puede ser permitirse ser tan indiferente ...en lo de ganar dinero como tú.
I know you're not as indifferent as you pretend.
Sé que no es tan indiferente como pretende.
Mars is probably about as indifferent to human exploration as Antarctica is to human science and the moment you stop paying attention to Antarctica, and the moment you stop paying attention to the weather and the landscape, that's when it becomes dangerous.
Marte es probablemente tan indiferente a la exploración humana como la Antártida a la ciencia humana y en el momento en que dejamos de prestar atención a la Antártida, y en el momento en que dejamos de prestar atención al clima y al paisaje, ahí es cuando se vuelve peligrosa.
He would become as indifferent as stone.
Se volvería tan indiferente como una piedra.
Are you as indifferent to the man's fate as others are?"
¿Es usted tan indiferente como los demás a la suerte de ese hombre?
It was hard to have a showdown with someone as indifferent as Patch.
Era difícil enfrentarse a alguien tan indiferente como Patch.
Before her, he was as indifferent to clothes as to fine wine;
Antes de ella, se mostraba tan indiferente a la ropa como al buen vino;
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