Translation for "are unworthy" to spanish
Translation examples
Such an anachronistic approach is unworthy of our times.
Esas iniciativas anacrónicas son indignas de nuestra época.
The practices referred to in the Special Rapporteur's report were unworthy of a democracy such as Israel, and also unworthy of a people whom history had treated so cruelly.
A ese respecto, las prácticas indicadas por el Relator Especial en su informe son indignas de una democracia como Israel e indignas de un pueblo con el que la historia se ha mostrado tan cruel.
- the spouse seeking maintenance behaves in an unworthy manner;
- el cónyuge que solicite la pensión alimenticia se comporte de manera indigna;
We shall not receive that unworthy and disgraceful assistance, even if clear of conditionalities.
Esa indigna y deshonrosa ayuda no la recibiríamos ni aún sin condiciones.
Those attacks were unworthy. They impugned the professionalism and integrity of the experts and other officers concerned.
Estos ataques eran indignos y cuestionaban la profesionalidad e integridad de los expertos y otros funcionarios afectados.
Such practices were unworthy of a State subject to the rule of law.
Esas prácticas son indignas de un Estado sometido al imperio del derecho.
Both commanders are unworthy of the command.
Ambos comandantes son indignos del mando".
It is an abhorrent practice, unworthy of our times.
Es una práctica abominable, indigna de nuestros tiempos.
And we, the Bosnians, are asking ourselves: Why are we being denied our democratic dreams? Are we unworthy of democracy? And is there a dimension in our character and heritage that makes us unworthy of fulfilling these dreams?
Y nosotros, los bosnios, nos preguntamos: ¿Por qué se nos niega nuestro sueño democrático? ¿Somos, acaso, indignos de la democracia? ¿Y existe alguna dimensión en nuestro carácter o en nuestra herencia que nos hacen indignos de hacer realidad estos sueños?
I know you wouldn't plead for those who are unworthy.
Sé que no viene a suplicarme por aquellos que son indignos.
- Savonarola would have you believe... that your earthly concerns are unworthy of our Lord's consideration.
- Tiene razón. - Savonarola habría que creer... que sus preocupaciones terrenales... son indignas de la consideración de nuestro Señor.
I decided that your ideas for the Sistine are unworthy.
Decidí que sus ideas para la Sixtina son indignas.
In Carrara, at the quarries... you've been thinking my ideas are unworthy of your talent!
En Carrara, en las canteras... pensaste que mis ideas son indignas de tu talento.
And, what you would assuredly never suspect, her body is in the chapel of St Lazarus, which, as you know, usually receives the bodies of women who are... unworthy.
Y, lo que nunca sospecharía, con seguridad, es que su cuerpo se encuentra en la capilla de San Lázaro, la que, como sabe, suele recibir los cuerpos de mujeres que son indignas.
They're already saying that we're torturers, we mistreat poor defenseless girls; our methods are unworthy of a civilization!
Ya están diciendo que somos unos torturadores, que maltratamos a las pobres chicas indefensas, que nuestros métodos son indignos de un país civilizado.
That is unworthy of you.
—Eso es indigno de ti.
This was unworthy of him;
Eso fue indigno de él;
She was unworthy of you!
¡Era indigna de ti!
No, that was craven… unworthy.
No, eso era una cobardía…, era indigno de él.
Altogether unworthy.
Y completamente indigna.
Unworthy of their sex.
Indignas de su sexo.
It was an unworthy anticipation.
Era un deseo indigno.
“Except the unworthy.”
—Salvo de los que son indignos.
Such fantasies are unworthy of you.
Estas fantasías son indignas de ti.
41. The content of paragraph 38 of the report seems unworthy of a special rapporteur who claims to be objective.
41. El contenido del párrafo 38 del informe no es digno de un relator especial que se precie de objetividad.
If the guardian declines, the judge shall request his consent within a set period and if the guardian raises no objection or an objection unworthy of consideration, the judge may authorize the marriage.
Transcurrido el plazo, si el padre no muestra oposición o su oposición no es digna de consideración, el Juez autorizará el matrimonio".
If the guardian fails to respond within a period determined by the judge or makes an objection during this period that is unworthy of consideration, the judge shall proceed to authorize the marriage.
Si el tutor no responde dentro del plazo fijado por el juez o formula objeciones no dignas de consideración durante este plazo, el juez procederá a autorizar el matrimonio.
He was unworthy to occupy his post and should return the Nobel Prize, which had undeservedly been awarded to him.
No es digno de ocupar su puesto y debe devolver el premio Nóbel, que le ha sido otorgado inmerecidamente.
In other words, the fact that migrants find in the host countries the social and institutional environment that makes their illicit enterprises possible is normally deemed unworthy of any analytical effort.
Dicho de otra manera, no se considera normalmente digno de análisis el hecho de que los migrantes encuentren en los países de acogida un entorno social e institucional que posibilita sus actividades ilícitas.
We do not find a single word in your writings concerning the immortality of the human soul that I believe you shouldn't have overlooked demonstrating to confound all those who are unworthy of immortality because they deny it, perhaps because they fear it.
No hemos encontrado una sola palabra en vuestros escritos relativa a la inmortalidad del alma humana que creo que no deberiaís haber pasado por alto, demostrando para confundir a todos los que no son dignos de la inmortalidad porque lo niegan, tal vez porque lo temen.
If you admire our sons, we must say they are unworthy.
Si se admira a nuestros hijos, debemos que decir que no son dignos.
I am sure my abilities are unworthy of such esteem
Estoy seguro de que mis cualidades no son dignas de tal estima.
That's unworthy of you.
Eso no es digno de ti.
He is unworthy of you.
—No es digno de ti.
An unworthy motive.
Un motivo muy poco digno.
These thoughts are unworthy.
Tus pensamientos no son dignos.
That was unworthy of you.
Eso no fue digno de usted.
The room was unworthy of you.
No era digna de usted.
Unworthy of you, Diedrich.
No es digno de ti, Diedrich.
I am unworthy of compassion!
¡No soy digno de vuestra misericordia!
Jane, this is so unworthy of you!
—¡Jane, eso no es digno de ti!
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