Translation for "are try" to spanish
Translation examples
Omar told me to try hard.
Omar me dijo que intentara ponerlo en marcha.
He was then allegedly shot dead for "trying to escape";
Se informó de que más tarde fue muerto a tiros por "intentar escapar".
Let me try to set the record straight.
Intentaré dejar las cosas claras.
We need to try and find solutions.
Tenemos que intentar hallar soluciones.
Trying to eradicate it is equally complicated.
Intentar erradicarla es igual de complicado.
We should try to make progress in that area quickly.
Deberíamos intentar avanzar rápidamente en ese aspecto.
It should not try to insist on the undoable.
No debería intentar insistir en lo que no es hacedero.
It would also try to obtain statistics on child nutrition.
También intentará obtener estadísticas sobre nutrición infantil.
The worst fallacy is trying to suggest that we deserve such actions.
La peor falacia es intentar sugerir que lo merecemos.
Every country must try to help itself.
Cada país debe intentar ayudarse a sí mismo.
“Without trying to overpower him?” “Sure, I’ll try.
¿Sin intentar dominarle? —Claro que lo intentaré.
“Not for lack of trying.”
—No porque no lo intentaras.
There was no point in trying to run, no point in trying to fight.
No tenía ningún sentido intentar correr, ni intentar luchar.
Trying to change yourself is as hard as trying to change the universe.
Intentar cambiar cuesta tanto como intentar cambiar el universo.
“I’m glad you’ll trytry to love God.
—Me alegra saber que lo intentarás… Que intentarás amar a Dios.
Asmara trying to deceive the international community
Asmara trata de inducir a engaño a la comunidad internacional sobre
Iraq is trying to divide the Arabs.
El Iraq trata de dividir a los árabes.
We are trying to resolve a very complex issue.
Se trata de una cuestión sumamente compleja.
This is precisely what my Government is trying to do.
Eso es precisamente lo que trata de hacer mi Gobierno.
b) Try to accept a false identity;
b) Trate de dar por buena una identidad falsa.
At no time was I was trying to imply that.
Nunca traté de insinuar eso.
The secretariat was not trying to avoid the matter, however.
No se trata de que la secretaría esté tratando de evadir el asunto.
There was no question of trying to redefine the CTBT.
No se trata de redefinir el TPCE.
They try to put an emphasis on sectarian issues.
En ellos se trata de hacer hincapié en asuntos sectarios.
Because I hope to prove to you that we regard this as a serious mistake and that we take responsibility for it, and we are trying to correct it.
Porque espero poder demostrarle que se trata de un terrible error que asumo la responsabilidad, y que trato de resolverlo.
These matters have nothing to do with the case we are trying.
Se trata de cosas ajenas al proceso.
They are trying Mr. Mouliné's maid.
Se trata de la criada del Sr. Mouliné.
Oh, is that about dogs who are trying to find their way home from a reservoir?
¿Se trata de perros de un refugio que buscan hogar?
The Drake Equation is this series of numbers... that are trying to be put together in such a way... to give us a kind of way of even closely estimating... how many other intelligent civilizations are out there.
La ecuación de Drake es esta serie de números... que se trata de ensamblarlos de tal manera... que nos den una especie de forma de aunque sea estimar en forma cercana... cuántas otras civilizaciones inteligentes hay ahí afuera.
It's a big deal going down, and you are trying to cut me out of the fucking loop.
Estabas tras un trato grande y me quieres dejar afuera de que mierda se trata.
Try to think, try to visualize it.
Trate de acordarse, trate de visualizar.
I try to breathe deeply, try to focus.
Trato de respirar profundamente, trato de concentrarme.
Please try … please try to come out of yourself again.
Por favor, trata de…, trata de sobreponerte.
“I’m trying to choose my words carefully-” “Try quickly!”
Trato de elegir mis palabras con cuidado... –¡Trate más rápido!
Trying tofindmyself.
Trato de encontrarme.
Try to understand that.
Trata de comprender eso.
Try to remember that.
Trata de recordar eso.
Try not to break it.
Trate de no romperlo.
Try to be cheerful.
Trata de estar alegre.
Try to hang on.
Trata de no alejarte.
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