Translation for "are bad people" to spanish
Translation examples
These are bad people, Deputy.
Son malas personas, ayudante.
Helena, these are bad people.
Helena, esas son malas personas.
No, these are bad people, right?
No, son malas personas, ¿de acuerdo?
Look, these are bad people.
Mira, son malas personas.
Oh, so these are bad people.
Oh, así que son malas personas.
Bad people are punished.
Se castiga a las malas personas.
And they weren’t bad people at all.
En el fondo, no eran malas personas.
“We are not bad people,” the lieutenant interrupted.
—No somos malas personas —lo interrumpió el teniente—.
We believe that in our region there are no good or bad people, just good and bad practices.
Creemos que en nuestra región no hay gente buena y gente mala, sino tan solo métodos buenos y métodos malos.
So these are bad people?
¿Así que son gente mala?
I-I mean, not that you guys are mobsters or anything, I mean... I mean mobsters are bad people and do illegal things, And this isn't... (chuckles)
Quiero decir, no es que vosotros seáis mafiosos o algo, quiero decir... los mafiosos son gente mala y hace cosas ilegales... y esto no es...
Oh, I detest Stalin and what he's doing, but that doesn't mean to say that I think the Russians are bad people or that they deserve to be wiped out.
Oh, detesto Stalin y lo que ha haciendo, pero eso no quiere decir que Creo que los rusos son gente mala o que ellos merecen ser eliminados.
Because of bad people.
Porque hay gente mala.
The gomangani are bad people.
Los gomanganis son gente mala.
“With bad people, I suppose.”
—Con gente mala, me imagino.
Some bad people shot it.
Una gente mala me disparó.
Bad people were after her.
Gente mala iba a por ella.
‘Good people or bad people?’
–¿Gente buena o gente mala?
Lima is filled with bad people.
Lima está llena de gente mala.
Bad people,” Ferkudi amended for him.
Gente mala —enmendó Ferkudi por él.
“You get to kill bad people.”
—Tienes la oportunidad de matar a gente «mala».
“He borrowed from bad people.”
Se lo pidió prestado a gente mala.
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