Translation for "apartment which was" to spanish
Apartment which was
Translation examples
Furthermore, the recent proposal for a modification of the Law on the Sale of Apartments allowing the sale of apartments which used to belong to the Yugoslav National Army does not appear to provide guarantees for the legal tenants.
Además, al parecer, en la reciente propuesta de modificación de la Ley de venta de apartamentos, que permite la venta de apartamentos que pertenecían al Ejército Nacional Yugoslavo, no se ofrecen garantías a los inquilinos legales.
Which doesn't explain why she was in his apartment, which was his, but now it isn'T.
Lo que no explica por qué estaba ella en su apartamento, que era suyo, pero ya no lo es.
The apartment, which was ours, was now his;
El apartamento, que era nuestro, ahora es suyo;
They get to the suspect’s apartmentwhich happens to be this very apartment we are now standing in—and guess what they find?
Llegan al apartamento del sospechoso… que casualmente es este apartamento en el que ahora estamos… y ¿adivina con qué se encuentran?
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