Translation for "anti-communists" to spanish
Translation examples
He was passionately anti-Communist.
era un anticomunista a ultranza.
Was she, then, at last, an anti-Communist? No.
Entonces ¿por fin era anticomunista? No.
Our strongest anti-Communists, for example, are monarchists.
Nuestros anticomunistas más acérrimos, por ejemplo, son los monárquicos.
Now he was a Communist and now an anti-Communist.
En un momento dado era comunista y al siguiente anticomunista.
‘Consistently anti-Communist, isn’t he?’ said the DG.
—Un convencido anticomunista, ¿verdad? —preguntó el DG.
He was himself a resolute anti-communist for similar reasons;
Él mismo era un anticomunista convencido por las mismas razones;
“It’s neither Communist nor anti-Communist. But more helpful to the Communists.”
—Es algo que no es ni comunista ni anticomunista, pero que ayuda más a los comunistas.
I was a committed anti-Communist and a somewhat more tenuous racist.
Yo era anticomunista comprometido y, en un grado algo menor, racista.
They might have been leftists and heard that my brother was an anti-Communist.
Quizá fuesen izquierdistas, y habían oído que mi hermano era anticomunista.
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