Translation for "anti-capitalist" to spanish
Translation examples
A radical socialist, an anti-capitalist, an anti-royalist and a pro-terrorist.
Socialista radical, anticapitalista, antimonárquico y proterrorista.
But if there was no anti-capitalist impulse in Kemalism, nor was there was any significant anti-feudal dimension to it either.
El kemalismo no sólo carecía de impulso anticapitalista, sino también de una dimensión antifeudal significativa.
I wondered what Pierre would have to say about the Service funding the author of an anti-capitalist novella.
Me pregunté qué diría Pierre sobre el servicio que subvencionaba al autor de un relato anticapitalista.
On the contrary, it belonged to an avant-garde that was anti-bourgeois and even anti-capitalist in its origins, as was the sympathy of its practitioners.
Antes al contrario, pertenecía a una vanguardia que, en sus orígenes, era antiburguesa e incluso anticapitalista, a juzgar por las simpatías de sus practicantes.
The ideology of the Welfare Party from which it emerged was not only anti-Western, but often in rhetoric anti-capitalist.
La ideología del Partido del Bienestar del que había surgido el AKP no sólo era antioccidental, sino que en ocasiones se valía de una retórica anticapitalista.
That boy’s going to be worth more off the pitch than he is on it. Especially since he started to become the mouthpiece of anti-capitalist agitation.
Ese muchacho valdrá más fuera del campo que dentro, en especial, desde que se ha convertido en el portavoz de la agitación anticapitalista.
Failing that, they promote radical anti-capitalist claims that care nothing for documenting how the corresponding project will be carried out.
En su defecto, unos y otros promueven alegatos radicalmente anticapitalistas que no se preocupan de documentar cómo el proyecto correspondiente se llevará a cabo.
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