Translation for "ankh-morpork" to spanish
  • ankhmorpork
Translation examples
“No, sir!” “Drumknott, I believe it is the right of every citizen of Ankh-Morpork to walk the streets unmolested.”
–¡No, señor! –Nudodetambor, creo que es derecho de cada ciudadano de AnkhMorpork caminar por las calles sin ser molestado.
His hand hovered over a fresh case. “In caps, size to fit, ‘Who Runs Ankh-Morpork?’” said William.
Las manos sobrevolaron una caja nueva. –En mayúsculas, tamaño a decidir, ”¿QUIÉN GOBIERNA ANKHMORPORK?‘ –dijo William–.
That was why everyone had been so dead set against any form of fire brigade, reasoning—with impeccable Ankh-Morpork logic—that any bunch of men who were paid to put out fires would naturally see to it that there was a plentiful supply of fires to put out.
Era por eso que todos habían estado en contra de la brigada de incendios razonando -con impecable lógica AnkhMorpork-que cualquier grupo de hombres que era pagado para apagar incendios naturalmente vería que hubiera un suministro completo de incendios que apagar.
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