Translation for "anguishing" to spanish
Translation examples
It would be wrong to anguish Freddie.
Angustiar a Freddie habría sido un error.
"Drizzt?" Again the cursed name reared up to bring anguish to Dinin!
–¿Drizzt? ¡Una vez más aparecía el nombre maldito para angustiar a Dinin!
“But there were accused people who didn’t name names and didn’t let themselves become anguished or depressed, isn’t that true, Harry?”
– Pero también hubo acusados que ni delataron ni se dejaron angustiar o deprimir, ¿no es cierto, Harry?
“What will be, will be,” the Old One told us. “Your duty is to give the spice only, not to anguish yourself over the consequence.”
—Lo que tenga que ocurrir, ocurrirá —nos dijo la Anciana—. Vuestro deber sólo consiste en dar la especia, no en angustiaros por los resultados.
    That was what Mother said his trouble was--why he apparently came back to Jefferson for the sole purpose of trying, in that sullen and pleasureless manner, to find out just how many different ways he could risk breaking his neck that would keep the most people anguished or upset or at least annoyed: that completely un-Sartoris-Hke capacity for shame which he could neither live with nor quit;
Según su madre, ése era el porqué de que regresara a Jefferson con el único propósito al parecer de tratar de descubrir, de aquella manera suya hosca y desabrida, de cuántas maneras distintas podía arriesgar el cuello de manera que consiguiera angustiar, preocupar o simplemente molestar al mayor número posible de personas;
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