Translation for "anglomania" to spanish
Translation examples
I don't know what to do about Sam's Anglomania.
No sé donde te llevará tu anglomanía.
That's all right about my Anglomania, but come look at the light with me.
No te preocupes por mi anglomanía. Ven a verla...
“There was so much Anglomania then,” she said, sighing.
—En aquella época había mucha anglomanía —dijo con un suspiro—.
The Vicomte De Nanjac, a young attaché known for his neckties and his Anglomania, approaches with a low bow, and enters into conversation.] MASON.
El vizconde de NANJAC, un joven agregado conocido por sus corbatas y su anglomanía, se aproxima a ellas, se inclina para saludarlas y entra en la conversación.) MASON.
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