Translation for "anesthetization" to spanish
Translation examples
It pays for facility fees in private clinics throughout the province for Ministry of Human Resources clients (children from low income families and persons with disabilities) who require a general anesthetic to be able to manage their restorative dental needs.
El Programa sufraga los gastos de las personas a cargo del Ministerio de Recursos Humanos (niños de familias con bajos ingresos y personas con discapacidad) que necesitan anestesia general para las intervenciones de ortodoncia que tienen lugar en las instalaciones de las clínicas privadas de la provincia.
Kossoh-Thomas examined various post circumcision problems that include pain because no local anesthetic is used, hemorrhage and shock due to sudden loss of blood and unexpected pain, acute urinary retention, which leads to urinary tract infection'.
El Dr. Koso-Thomas examinó los distintos problemas que causa la circuncisión, entre los que figuran el dolor, porque no se emplea anestesia local, las hemorragias y las conmociones por la pérdida repentina de sangre, así como dolores intermitentes y retenciones de orina agudas que provocan infecciones del tracto urinario.
- Cut the anesthetic.
- Corta la anestesia.
Stop the anesthetic.
Detengan la anestesia.
That's the anesthetic.
Es la anestesia.
What about anesthetic?
¿Y la anestesia?
Anesthetic. What else?
Anestesia. ¿Qué más?
Start the anesthetic.
Suministren la anestesia.
There's no anesthetic.
No hay anestesia.
Probably the anesthetic
Probablemente sea anestesia.
The anesthetic is not good.
La anestesia no es buena.
On local anesthetic.
—Con anestesia local.
“What about a local anesthetic?”
—¿Y la anestesia local?
It functioned as a local anesthetic.
Funcionó como anestesia local.
They used a spinal anesthetic.
Le han puesto una anestesia epidural.
No anesthetics of any kind.
No hay anestesia de ninguna clase.
The anesthetic will dull its senses.
La anestesia adormecerá sus sentidos.
They were almost a necessary anesthetic.
Eran casi una anestesia necesaria.
You will have a general anesthetic.
Le aplicaremos anestesia general.
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