Translation for "and you think be" to spanish
Translation examples
“Do you think you can become a father without paying a price?”
—¿Es que piensas ser padre sin pagar ningún precio?
Phil and Laura left us alone after dinner, and Star asked, “Are you thinking about being a musician?
Phil y Laura nos dejaron solos después de cenar y Star me preguntó: —¿Piensas ser músico?
MacReady drums his fingers on the tabletop. “How long do you think you’ll .be a guest?” “If you need–“ “No, no,” he says placatingly.
—¿Cuánto tiempo piensa ser un invitado? —pregunta MacReady, tamborileando con los dedos sobre el tablero de la mesa. —Si necesita… —No, no —lo tranquiliza—.
A lot of my daydreams follow this pattern—and when I give myself up to them I invoke the fundamental rule of both meditation and psychoanalysis: consent to think what you think, to have what comes to mind come to mind.
Una gran parte de mis ensueños sigue pendiente, y me abandono a ellos invocando la regla fundamental tanto de la meditación como del psicoanálisis: consentirse pensar lo que se piensa, ser atravesado por lo que te atraviesa.
      "Do you think so?...
–¿Cree usted…, cree usted…?
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