Translation for "and kissed her" to spanish
And kissed her
Translation examples
When it was plain that she had finished, I went and kissed her.
Cuando fue evidente que había terminado, me acerqué y la besé.
So I took it out and I put some on my lips. And then I leaned over and kissed her.
Tomé un poco y los puse en mis labios, me incliné y la besé
I just grabbed her and kissed her.
Solo la agarré y la besé.
I took her in my arms and kissed her tenderly... hoping against hope she would rebuff me.
La cogí en mis brazos y la besé tiernamente... esperando que ella me rechazara.
# Bit her in the neck and quick and kissed her #
# Le mordí el cuello y la besé rápido #
Thus I pacified Psyche and kissed her
Así apacigüé a Psique y la besé
I drew closer and kissed her on the forehead.
Me acerqué y la besé en la frente.
I just kind of leaned over and kissed her.
- Me incliné sobre ella y la besé.
The last moment, I chickened out and kissed her on the cheek.
¡A último momento me acobardé y la besé en la mejilla!
y la besó
He got a divorce and kissed her... but now she's dating some dude named Carl.
Se divorció y la besó... pero ahora sale con Carl.
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