Translation for "and is knows" to spanish
Translation examples
Nobody knows.
Nadie sabe.
It knows that it is right.
Sabe que tiene la razón.
Does not know
No lo sabe
Absent/Doesn't know
Ausente/No sabe
Do not know/no answer
No sabe/No responde
No one knows.
Nadie lo sabe.
She knows why not.
Ella sabe por qué no lo es.
The international community knows it and the Palestinian leadership knows it, but the Palestinian people are not hearing it.
La comunidad internacional lo sabe y el liderazgo palestino lo sabe, pero el pueblo palestino no está oyendo esto.
Don't know/
No sabe/
He knows this is a lie.
Sabe que eso es mentira.
You know, you know, you know.
Ya sabe, ya sabe, ya sabe.
The investigator knows, and knows that it knows.
El investigador lo sabe, y también sabe que él lo sabe.
Petrus knows it, and he knows it, and Petrus knows that he knows it.
Petrus lo sabe, y él lo sabe, y Petrus sabe que él lo sabe.
He who knows that he doesn't know, knows.
El que sabe que no sabe, sabe.
She knows it, and Ray knows she knows it.
Ella lo sabe, y Ray sabe que lo sabe.
“She knows, she knows, of course she knows!”
—¡Ella sabe, ella sabe… claro que lo sabe!
He that knows not and knows not that he knows not—avoid him;
Del que no sabe ni sabe que no sabe aléjate;
‘It’s what he knows. It’s what he knows he doesn’t know.
—Es lo que sabe. Es lo que sabe que no sabe.
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