Translation for "anchorite" to spanish
Translation examples
Before poker I am a true anchorite.
Antes del póquer soy un verdadero anacoreta.
Who was the anchorite?
¿Quién era el anacoreta?
He cuffed the anchorite.
—Le colocó las esposas al anacoreta—.
Blue Dog Anchorite.
Anacoreta Blue Dog.
I’m an African, a wandering anchorite.
Soy africano, un anacoreta itinerante.
Perhaps they were looking for the anchorite.
—A lo mejor estaban buscando al anacoreta.
There was plenty of evidence that the doctor was no anchorite.
Había abundantes pruebas de que el doctor no era un anacoreta.
This must be the dwelling of the anchorite.
aquélla debía de ser la cabaña del anacoreta.
Ananda helped the anchorite sit up.
Ananda ayudó al anacoreta a sentarse.
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