Translation for "amoment" to spanish
Translation examples
Amoment later she understood.
Un momento después comprendió.
“May I speak to you amoment?”
—¿Puedo hablar con usted un momento?
But the Witch believed, if only for amoment.
But the Witch believed, if only for a moment.
They held it amoment, but the pressure was too great.
Las contuvieron un momento, pero la presión era demasiado grande.
Becker stood in the doorway amoment and pondered his options.
Se quedó en el umbral un momento y repasó sus opciones.
She studied her monitor amoment and then rapped her knuckle on the desk. “He’shere,”
—Estudió el monitor un momento y después golpeó la mesa con los nudillos—. Está aquí —anunció—.
Amoment later some gears clicked, and the conveyor began movingagain, this time horizontally.
Un momento después chasquearon algunos engranajes y el ascensor volvió a moverse, esta vez en horizontal.
Amoment later he was stumbling through a curtained entryway and downa set of wooden stairs.
Un momento después franqueó una puerta cubierta con una cortina y bajó una escalera de madera.
"By all means," Zenobel said, with less composure than he had possessed amoment ago.
"By all means," Zenobel said, with less composure than he had possessed a moment ago.
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