Translation for "already own" to spanish
Already own
Translation examples
Now, the casinos in red, those are the ones Michael Carlson already owns.
Los casinos en rojo, son los que Michael Carlson ya posee.
But his 30th birthday is in a matter of weeks, and he already owns the house and much of the estate.
Pero su 30mo. cumpleaños es en unas semanas, y ya posee la casa y gran parte de la finca.
Go right to loser gardens where you already own all the properties.
Ve directo al jardín de perdedores donde ya posees todas las propiedades.
Gillis Industries, and I already own 4.9%.
Industrias Gillis, y ya poseo el 4.9 por ciento.
And I already own 7%.
- y ya poseo un siete por ciento.
You already own all you could ever desire.
Ya posees todo lo que pudieras desear.
It just seems funny to me that I should have to pay $400 to build the house on a piece of property I already own and pay taxes on.
Simplemente parece gracioso para mí, que deba tener que pagar $400 para construir la casa, en un pedazo de la propiedad que ya poseo y por la que pago impuestos.
- He recruits his old army buddy to help him steal a painting his wife already owns.
- Él recluta a su antiguo colega del ejército para ayudarle a robar un cuadro que ya posee su mujer.
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