Translation for "alarming" to spanish
Translation examples
This situation is extremely alarming.
Esta situación es muy alarmante.
The figures are alarming.
Las cifras son alarmantes.
The situation is alarming.
La situación es alarmante.
This is alarming.
Esto resulta alarmante.
The relevant rates are alarming.
Su nivel es alarmante.
The trends are alarming.
Las tendencias son alarmantes.
This is highly alarming.
Esto es muy alarmante.
That is highly alarming.
Eso es muy alarmante.
This trend is alarming.
Esta tendencia es alarmante.
The statistics are alarming.
Las estadísticas son alarmantes.
Is that alarming?
¿Eso es alarmante?
So reassuringly alarming.
Tan tranquilizantemente alarmante.
- Although it's alarming.
- Aunque es alarmante.
- It's terribly alarming.
- Es terriblemente alarmante.
It's alarming, isn't it?
Es alarmante, ¿no?
See? It's alarming, right?
¿Es alarmante, verdad?
That's really alarming!
¡Es realmente alarmante!
Vague but alarming.
Vago pero alarmante.
And a little alarming.
Y un poco alarmante.
In itself this was alarming.
Eso era alarmante de por sí.
But it was also alarming.
Pero también era alarmante.
Which was a bit alarming.
Lo cual era un poco alarmante.
That was puzzling and alarming.
Era sorprendente y alarmante.
“Obscure and alarming.”
—Críptico y alarmante.
That sounds alarming.
—Eso suena alarmante.
The prospect was alarming.
La perspectiva era alarmante.
That thing was alarming.
Esa cosa era alarmante.
This is alarming, of course.
—Eso es alarmante, por supuesto.
The stories were all alarming.
Todos los casos eran estremecedores.
The statistics on the differences and inequalities that characterize our planet are alarming.
Las estadísticas sobre las disparidades y las desigualdades que caracterizan nuestro planeta son estremecedoras.
123. The report of the Republic of Bolivia, submitted on 27 April 1995 to the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD/C/281/Add.1) contains an alarming testimony from the Vice—President of the Republic himself, Victor Hugo Cárdenas: “[With respect to discrimination against the indigenous woman] Cárdenas recognizes that progress is slow, though tangible, and does not deny that indigenous communities still suffer from marginalization and racism.
123. El informe de la República de Bolivia, presentado el 27 de abril de 1995 al Comité para la Eliminación de la Discriminación Racial (CERD/C/281/Add.1) contiene un estremecedor testimonio del propio Vicepresidente de la República, Lic. Víctor Hugo Cárdenas, que dice: "Cárdenas reconoce [en cuanto a la discriminación de la mujer indígena] que son avances lentos, pero concretos, y no olvida que las comunidades indígenas siguen sufriendo la marginación y el racismo.
Pond cried out again, a shrill ripple of alarm, slicing through Horton’s brain.
Charca volvió a gritar en una estremecedora ondulación de alarma que recorrió el cerebro de Horton.
The effect was quite startling and even though he knew she was acting, Marcus could not help becoming alarmed.
El efecto rae bastante estremecedor y, pese a que Marco sabía que ella estaba actuando, no pudo evitar sentirse alarmado.
Apprehensive as I was, I was nevertheless unprepared for the words which came up from that uncanny vault in accents more alarmed and quivering than any I had heard before from Harley Warren.
A pesar de mis aprensiones, no estaba preparado para las palabras que me llegaron desde aquella pavorosa bóveda, con un acento de alarma que resultaba mucho más estremecedor por cuanto que procedía del imperturbable Harley Warren.
but though he had been prepared for the violent clanging and the drumming of feet that followed it, he could not control a feeling of sick surprise at the urgency which now possessed the ship, in its first alarm for action.
pero aunque estaba preparado para el violento ruido de armas y mecanismos prestos a entrar en acción, y para el redoblar de pisadas sobre cubierta de hombres que corrían a sus puestos de combate, no pudo dominar un sentimiento de estremecedora sorpresa ante aquella excitación que se adueñó del barco en la primera alarma grave que se producía.
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