Translation for "ah that is" to spanish
Translation examples
AH-64A returned for conversion to AH-64D
Unidades AH-64A devueltas para conversión a unidades AH-64D
Ah, that is correct.
Ah, eso es correcto.
Ah, that is great stuff.
Ah, eso es buen material.
- Ah, that is rich.
-Ah, eso es rico.
Ah, that is big.
Ah, eso es importante.
- Ah, that is brilliant!
- Ah, eso es genial!
Ah, that is terrific!
¡Ah, eso es tremendo!
‘Bloomfield is here, ah, ah, ah!’
—¡Bloomfield está aquí! ¡Ah, ah, ah!
"Who is this impostor!" "Ah, ah, ah,"
¿Quién es este impostor? —¡Ah, ah, ah!
‘Because you’ve broken the law!’ ‘Ah ah ah!
—¡Porque has incumplido la ley! —¡Ah, ah, ah!
Ah ah ah. Ah ah ah. It sends him back to his voxiterator, listening and teasing apart the elements of the sounds, the overlapping beats.
Ah, ah, ah. Ah ah ah. Esto lo devuelve al voxiterador, y allí escucha y desmenuza los elementos de los sonidos, los ritmos solapados.
Ah, ah, very softly.
Ah, ah,muy dulcemente.
Ah, ah, ah,” said the Questore contemptuously, “who are they?
Ah, ah, ah —dijo despectivamente el Questore—, ¿quiénes son?
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