Translation for "added" to spanish
Translation examples
New added provisions Provision for biennialization
Créditos nuevos y adicionales
Additional voluntary contributions to the Ad Hoc
Contribuciones voluntarias adicionales al Grupo
Climate change may be an added challenge.
El cambio climático puede suponer un reto adicional.
One additional trip added.
Se prevé un viaje adicional.
Additional criteria added by Parties:
Criterios adicionales aplicados por las Partes
(Additional annexes may be added as required.)
(Podrán añadirse anexos adicionales a medida que sea necesario.)
The review has brought an added dimension.
Ese examen ha aportado un elemento adicional.
The Administration does not see the need to prepare a separate summary document as this will only result in added costs with no added value.
La Administración no ve la necesidad de preparar un documento sinóptico separado, que supondría costos adicionales sin utilidad adicional.
I've added additional security.
He agregado seguridad adicional.
Stop putting added pressure on him.
Deja de meterle presión adicional.
And here? an added bonus
Y aquí hay un bono adicional.
It's an added expense, but...
es un gasto adicional, pero...
- 700 with the added hour.
- 700 Euros con la hora adicional.
So, er, as an added incentive...
Así que, como un incentivo adicional...
An added honor, emperor.
Un honor adicional, emperador.
In addition, we added security.
Además, tendremos seguridad adicional.
An added attraction, so to speak.
Un espectáculo adicional, por así decirlo.
- Too much added time.
- Demasiado tiempo adicional.
An added safeguard.
Y un salvoconducto adicional.
We will bring this added quality.
—Aportaremos esa cualidad adicional.
It was an added beauty to him.
Y esto fue para Will un elemento de belleza adicional.
Getting even was an added incentive.
Lo de ajustar cuentas fue un incentivo adicional.
There is no ‘super-added’ force such as the soul.
No existe una fuerza adicional como el alma.
Added arms, subsidiary minds.
Brazos adicionales, mentes subsidiarias.
But it might be added incentive,
–Pero podría ser un aliciente adicional -dije-.
They came for the added attraction of Garry's stump.
La atracción adicional era el muñón de Garry.
It gave the thought an added depth.
Aquello daba a su pensamiento una profundidad adicional.
The tax deductions are only an added advantage.
Las deducciones fiscales son sólo una ventaja adicional.
The projections are not comparable between Parties and the individual national totals have not been added.
Las proyecciones no son comparables entre las Partes y los totales nacionales no se han sumado.
Two delegations have been added to the list.
Dos delegaciones se han sumado a esa lista.
In recent years, private proprietors have added to the network.
En los últimos años, propietarios privados se han sumado a la red.
Average of available months added to spot rate divided by two
Promedio de los meses disponibles sumado al tipo al contado, dividido por dos
In addition, Spain has been added to the list of sponsors.
Además, España se ha sumado a los patrocinadores.
The following countries have been added to the list of sponsors: Algeria and Guinea.
Se han sumado a la lista de patrocinadores los siguientes países: Argelia y Guinea.
He added that the United States of America had joined the sponsors.
Añade que los Estados Unidos de América se han sumado a los patrocinadores.
In fact, we learned this morning that a new State, Guinea, has been added to that list.
Esta mañana nos enteramos de que un nuevo Estado, Guinea, se ha sumado a esa lista.
The administration of these services has thus become an added responsibility for the Tribunal.
Así, la administración de estos servicios se ha sumado a las responsabilidades del Tribunal.
Two factors may have added to the inflationary pressure in the country.
Dos factores se han sumado a la presión inflacionaria que sufre el país.
Your technological distinctiveness will be added to our own.
Su distintiva tecnología será sumada a la nuestra.
Some figure has been added to or subtracted from 40,000.
Han sumado o restado algo a 40.000.
Or rather: it's negative that has been added and first:
O más bien, hemos sumado negativos.
Yeah. Added to?
Sí. ¿Sumado a...
These are times added up.
Estos son tiempos sumados.
Those lives will be added to our own.
Esas vidas serán sumadas a las nuestras.
I don't mind paying, but has he added right?
No me importa pagar, ¿pero ha sumado bien?
I added up the digits.
He sumado los números.
I've just added their ages together. 173.
He sumado sus edades. 173.
Well, I must have added the numbers wrong.
Bien, he debido haber sumado mal.
“You added that up in your head?”
—¿Eso lo ha sumado en su cabeza?
Will had added himself to the party.
Will se había sumado al grupo.
Violence added to violence. Why?
La violencia sumada a la violencia. ¿Por qué?
Added together is two thousand.
sumado dan dos mil.
His Added’ rating was twelve percent.
El índice de «Sumado» fue del doce por ciento.
the horse knew sooner because of the added weight.
la yegua lo supo antes por el peso que se había sumado.
nothing has been added or subtracted; nothing increased or diminished.
nada se ha sumado ni restado, nada se ha aumentado ni disminuido.
He might have added a seventh since then;
Podría haber sumado una séptima desde entonces.
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