Translation for "accreted" to spanish
Translation examples
Today, however, Adalberto is at peace, following the gentle curves of the road, his elbow nonchalantly leaning on the open window, since Lamberto died, all this land is mine, although, in fact, not all of Lamberto’s land went to him, because that would make another good story, the divisions and redivisions, the amalgamations and accretions, but we don’t have time right now, we should have started earlier, now Adalberto’s car appears among the trees, the sun glinting on its polished body and on the chrome, and suddenly he stops. He’s probably seen us, we’d better go a little farther down the hill, just to avoid any awkward questions, because I’m a peace-loving man and a respecter of other people’s property, and when we look back to see if a furious Adalberto is following hard on our heels, we see, with horror, that he is getting out of his car and staring, enraged, at the languid flock, which takes no notice of him, just as they took no notice of us, not even the dogs see him, intent as they are on sniffing out rabbits, and then, shaking his fist, he gets back in the car, turns around, jolting over the rough ground, and, as they say in novels, disappears in a cloud of dust.
Hoy, sin embargo, va Adalberto remansado, dibujando vagorosas curvas, displicente el codo en la ventanilla abierta, toda esta tierra es mía desde Lamberto, aunque no toda la que de Lamberto fue, sería otra buena historia la del partir, repartir, juntar y añadir, pero ya nos falta tiempo, ojalá hubiéramos empezado antes, ahora asoma Adalberto entre los árboles, brillan los pulimentos y cromados al sol, y de repente se detiene, Nos habrá visto, mejor es que empecemos a bajar por este lado, así evitaremos preguntas, soy hombre pacífico y respetuoso con la propiedad, y cuando nos volvemos para ver si nos sigue y viene cerca el furibundo Adalberto, vemos con asombro que sale del coche mira con airado semblante el cachazudo rebaño que ni caso le hace, como tampoco lo hizo de nosotros, ni siquiera los perros, que andan olfateando conejos, y luego, con un gesto de amenaza vuelve al automóvil, da media vuelta, a sacudidas, por malicia del terreno, y desaparece entre una nube de polvo, como dicen que es costumbre en las novelas.
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