Translation for "a clever person" to spanish
Translation examples
And are you a clever person, Egil?
¿Eres una persona inteligente, Egil?
It just takes a clever person to figure out where the weak places are.
Solo se necesita a una persona inteligente para saber dónde están.
            "Ah but you're a clever person, Mr.             Citrine.
Pero usted es una persona inteligente, Citrine.
She was not a clever person, but long experience had taught her that there were occasions when it was well to leave a child alone.
No era una persona inteligente, pero tenía mucha experiencia y sabía que a veces era preferible dejar a los niños a su aire.
A clever person can make anything turn to his advantage, no matter how much a disadvantage it may seem at first.
Una persona inteligente puede convertir cualquier cosa en una ventaja, por mucho que, al principio, parezca ser lo contrario.
But it was his smile that annoyed me most: a wicked, lazy, arrogant smile, as if he were the only clever person in the world.
Pero lo que más me molestaba era aquella sonrisa: una sonrisa maligna, perezosa y arrogante, como si él fuese la única persona inteligente del mundo.
For every clever person who goes to the trouble of creating an incentive scheme, there is an army of people, clever and otherwise, who will inevitably spend even more time trying to beat it.
Por cada persona inteligente que se molesta en crear un esquema de incentivos, existe un ejército de gente, inteligente o no, que inevitablemente invertirá incluso más tiempo en tratar de burlarlos.
We have no difficulty in seeing this when we study the witch doctors and magicians and soothsayers of earlier or more remote cultures: obviously it was a clever person who first learned to predict an eclipse and then to use this planetary event to impress and cow his audience.
No tenemos ninguna dificultad para percibir esto cuando estudiamos a los brujos, magos y adivinos de culturas antiguas o remotas; evidentemente, fue una persona inteligente la que, primero, aprendió a predecir un eclipse y, luego, a emplear este acontecimiento planetario para impresionar y acobardar a su público.
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