Translation for "he washes" to russian
Translation examples
He's washing the windows.
Он моет окна.
He's washing his hands.
Он моет руки!
He's washing dishes, apparently.
Очевидно, он моет посуду.
But he's-he's washing up.
Но он.. он моется.
He washes pots in a pub.
Он моет посуду в пабе.
Does he wash them in the bath?
Он моет их в ванне?
He's washing his food-pushing pinkie.
Он моет свой мизинец для напихивания еды.
No, from the mews... he washes the cars.
Нет, личный шофер. Он моет машину.
Mikey's on scholarship and he washes dishes at Denny's.
Майки на стипендию, и он моет посуду в Денни.
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