Translation examples
Schaeffer became obsessed with having been wrong.
Шеффер стал одержимым своей неправотой.
Fossey became obsessed by protecting the gorillas.
Фосси стала одержимым защитником горилл.
After Arctic BioSystems, he became obsessed.
После Arctic BioSystems он стал одержимым.
That's why it became obsessive, wasn't it?
Вот почему вы стали одержимы, да?
I think it's fair to say that you became obsessed.
Можно сказать, ты стала одержима.
Reese became obsessed with him, started stalking him.
Риз стала одержима им, начала его преследовать.
I became obsessed with solving the Ripper killings.
Я стал одержимым решением загадки Джека Потрошителя.
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