Translation for "battle-drum" to russian
Translation examples
The captain's cries of pain at the loss of his son are more frightening to the enemy than the deepest battle drums.
Наполненные болью вопли командира, потерявшего сына для врага страшнее, чем самые громкие боевые барабаны.
Remember, we speak now of the Muad'Dib who ordered battle drums made from his enemies' skins, the Muad'Dib who denied the conventions of his ducal past with a wave of the hand, saying merely: "I am the Kwisatz Haderach.
Не забывайте: мы говорим сейчас о Муад'Дибе, о том самом Муад'Дибе, который приказывал обтягивать боевые барабаны кожей врага.
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