Translation for "world that was" to italian
World that was
Translation examples
It was my way of controlling a world that was out of control.
Era il mio modo di controllare il mondo... che era fuori controllo.
I thought we had created a world that was on an empty pursuit for more, and I had a question about if this growth journey we had been on was really a successful business strategy that I had somehow missed during my M.B.A. education.
Penso che abbiamo creato un mondo che era alla vana ricerca di qualcosa di piu', e mi sono chiesta se questo percorso di crescita di cui abbiamo fatto parte, fosse stato davvero una strategia vincente negli affari, e che mi dovevo essere persa durante il mio master.
He took on a world that was bleak and morally corrupt.
Se la prese con un mondo che era squallido e moralmente corrotto.
Gabriel Marie... I came into this world with open eyes... but I saw a world... that was a world of dogs.
Gabriel Marie... sono venuto in questo mondo con gli occhi aperti... ma ho visto un mondo... che era un mondo di cani.
I think there were probably quite a few things about Watchmen that chimed well with the times, but to me perhaps the most important was the actual storytelling, where the world that was presented didn't really hang together in terms of linear cause and effect.
Penso che probabilmente ci fossero alcune cose di Watchmen che si accordavano ai tempi ma per me forse la più importante era la narrazione in cui il mondo che era presentato non aveva davvero coerenza in termini di causa e effetto
And pretty much they presented a world that was almost indistinguishable from the world that I lived in.
E praticamente presentavano un mondo che era quasi indistinguibile da quello in cui vivevo
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