Translation for "windsurf" to italian
Translation examples
I need a wetsuit for windsurfing.
Cerco una muta da windsurf.
No, it's Khloe Kardashian windsurfing.
No, e' Khloe Kardashian che fa windsurf.
Biking, golf, windsurfing. Boy's stuff.
Vela, golf, windsurf, giochi tra amici...
Winch, dinghy. Windsurfer.
Poi verricello, gommone... tavola da windsurf.
We were gonna become windsurfers.
Avremmo fatto windsurf...
You're teaching her windsurfing.
Gli stai insegnando il windsurf.
Nelson Mandela, Purple Rain, windsurfing.
Nelson Mandela, Purple Rain, il windsurf.
I used to like to windsurf.
Mi piaceva fare windsurf.
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