Translation for "wherefores" to italian
Translation examples
The lieutenant would've wanted to know the whys and wherefores.
Il signor tenente avrà voluto sapere il perché e il percome.
On the wherefore and why
Sul perche' e sul percome
I wasn't told all the whys and wherefores, but it seemed very important.
Non so i perché e i percome, ma sembra fosse molto importante.
I told him that the wherefores..
Gli ho detto che il percome...
I detect the whys and the wherefores?
Scopro i perche' e i percome.
I don't understand about the whys and wherefores, Father.
Io non capisco i perché e i percome, padre.
We don't ask all the whys and wherefores, do we?
Non chiediamo tutti i perche' e i percome, no?
- Many a man's woken up at sea, No idea what, when, wherefore or why.
- Piu' d'un uomo s'e' risvegliato in mare, ignaro del perche' o del percome.
You detect their whys and wherefores.
Scopri tutti i loro perche' e percome.
I don't know what "wherefores" are.
Non so cosa vuol dire percome.
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